运用数理统计方法,分析了 1995~1998 年的小麦花药培养育种的试验数据,发现花培后代在株高、千粒重性状方面有显著的相关性,存在着较好的线性正相关关系。从上一代的株高或千粒重可以推测下一代的株高或千粒重,从而为花培育种进行后代选择提供了依据,提高了育种的选择效果。
Using mathematical statistics, the experimental data of wheat anther culture and breeding from 1995 to 1998 were analyzed. It was found that there was a significant positive correlation between plant height and 1000-grain weight traits in the progenies of flower culture. The plant height or 1000-grain weight of the next generation can be inferred from the plant height or 1000-grain weight of the previous generation, which provides the basis for selection of offspring for flower breeding and improves the selection effect of breeding.