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以对非制动工况发热特性的进一步优化为前提,对原液压调速软制动器液压回路进行改进。基于Fluent软件,对改进前后的液压调速软制动器液压回路在非制动工况下的低发热特性进行研究比较,结合发热量的理论计算,证实了在非制动工况下液压调速软制动器新增的插装式电磁换向阀所在回路为近似零阻尼回路,该回路具有降低系统运行发热的优点。 Based on the further optimization of the heating characteristics of non-braking conditions, the hydraulic circuit of the soft-timing hydraulic brake was improved. Based on the Fluent software, the low heat generation characteristics of the hydraulic circuit of the hydraulic speed-regulating soft brake before and after the improvement are studied and compared under the non-braking condition. Combining with the theoretical calculation of calorific value, it is proved that the hydraulic speed- The new circuit of the plug-in electromagnetic reversing valve of the brake is an approximate zero-damping circuit, which has the advantage of reducing the heating of the system.
尽管“第一夫人”们的形象性格各异,但她们均以光鲜稳重的面目示人,其后自然少不了健康体魄做后盾。与其模仿她们的装扮,不如学习一下她们的养生经。  米歇尔:  秀出肱二头肌的女中产  与过去第一夫人们的传统形象不同,米歇尔最爱穿无袖套装,露出一副健美的臂膀,那发达的肱二头肌在刚入主白宫时就造成了轰动效应。她会现身巴尔的摩篮球场,引起师生欢迎,也会“微服”NBA,甚至大晃呼啦圈为减肥人士提供榜样:很显然