很多家庭都会存放一些备用药品。但年长日久,药品会失效或变质,若再服用,不仅达不到治疗效果,甚至还会引起毒副作用。因此,学会识别变质、失效药品的方法,以保护身体健康,实有必要。 一、片药:药片如果发现有变色,或发黑有斑点、松散、潮湿等,则表明已变质,如维生素C片,原药为白色,若变质则成黄色或棕色;阿斯匹林片,上面有小结晶析出,并有一股酸醋气味;含碘的药物变成红棕色,均显示药已变质,不可再服用。此外,胶囊包装的药物,如果胶囊受潮发粘,里面药粉结块也不可再用。
Many families will store some spare drugs. However, over time, drugs will fail or deteriorate. If they are taken again, they will not only fail to achieve the therapeutic effect, but may even cause side effects. Therefore, it is really necessary to learn how to identify deteriorating and ineffective medicines in order to protect their health. First, tablet medicine: tablets if you find discoloration, or black spots, loose, moist, etc., it has been metamorphosed, such as vitamin C tablets, the original drug is white, yellow or brown if deteriorated; Aspirin tablets , There is a small crystallization of the above, and a sour vinegar smell; iodine drugs into a red-brown, have shown that the drug has deteriorated, can not be taken. In addition, the capsule packaging drugs, if the capsule damp sticky, the powder inside the cake can not be reused.