集美·阿尔勒国际摄影季发起人及联合总监萨姆·斯道兹,此次将带来一部关于法国本土的影像作品——《卡马格西部片》,这部作品采用摄影、海报、实物和电影片段的方式来诠释世界影史上最早的西部片,展览同样也是一部跨媒介的影像实践。卡马格位于法国阿尔勒以南,是由大、小罗讷河(Grand Rh?ne&Petit Rh?ne)岔流汇入地中海所形成的三角洲地带,是西欧最大的三角洲地带。1986年,卡马格被列入《拉姆萨尔公约》国际重要湿地名单。400多种鸟类在这里栖居,大面积的盐水湖也使得它成为欧洲为
Jimei Arles International Photo Festival sponsor and co-director of Sam Strouds, this will bring a film about the French native - “Camaguey West”, this work uses photography, posters, In-kind and film clips to interpret the earliest Western films in world film history. The exhibition is also an intermedia media practice. Located in the south of Arles, France, the Camargue is a delta formed by the Grand Rhône-Petit Rhône which flows into the Mediterranean Sea and is the largest delta in Western Europe. In 1986, Camargue was included in the list of important wetlands of the Ramsar Convention. More than 400 species of birds inhabit here, and large lagoons make it Europe’s favorite