我国的社会主义国家性质决定了集体主义在我国过去、现在和将来都将是社会道德原则的主旋律。在社会主义市场经济条件下 ,国家、集体、个人三者之间的利益是一致的 ,同时 ,社会大生产下的市场经济使现实的集体主义提高到新阶段 ,发挥得更加充分。反过来 ,集体主义原则作为思想意识形态也为社会主义市场经济的确立和有效运行提供了道德导向和舆论导向 ,这是社会主义市场经济内在的客观要求。因此 ,集体主义与市场经济是辩证统一的关系 ,集体主义是社会主义市场经济的题中应有之义
The nature of our socialist country determines that collectivism will be the main theme of social morals in our country in the past, present and future. Under the conditions of a socialist market economy, the interests among the state, the collective and the individuals are identical. At the same time, the market economy under the mass production of society brings the real collectivism to a new stage and becomes more fully developed. Conversely, the principle of collectivism, as ideological ideology, also provides moral guidance and public opinion guidance for the establishment and effective operation of the socialist market economy. This is an objective requirement inherent in the socialist market economy. Therefore, collectivism and market economy are dialectically unified relations, collectivism is the socialist market economy