This report reported the 97 cases of 99-hole retinal detachment using cerclage pressure without liquid surgery, the total success rate of 92.92%, of which: according to Zhao’s membrane grading, Ⅰ-Ⅱ: 96.20%; Ⅲ A : 88.24%. Proposed cerclage pressure without liquid surgery with surgery is simple, less complications, a wider indications. The mechanism of subretinal fluid absorption and the factors affecting the subretinal fluid absorption were discussed. The subretinal fluid absorption was considered not affected by age, refractive status, detachment range and subretinal fluid volume. Be sealed. The main points of the operation were described, and it was suggested that establishing a good pressure crest to push the hole is the key to successful operation. That the surgery is also suitable for associated with choroidal detachment, no lens retinal detachment and partial re-operation of the eye, it is worth to clinically better.