Male patient, 26 years old, hospitalized for 5 days due to palpitations. Examination: BP14 / 9.33kPa, thyroid enlargement, lung breath sounds clear, heart, heart rate 132 beats / min, law Qi, no noise. ECG and esophageal lead showed right bundle branch block type VT, left axis deviation, atrioventricular separation. X-ray, echocardiography, T_ (?) And T_4, blood electrolytes, erythrocyte sedimentation rate and blood enzymes, were found no abnormality. Intravenous injection of lidocaine 600mg, procainamide 0.75g, phenytoin sodium 300mg, benzylamine 250mg, verapamil (verapamil) 10mg, ambroxol 300mg and so did not work, but also to Quinn D (6 g / 4 days) and oral amine