今年4月8日,是王若飞殉难50周年。为了纪念这位革命先烈,笔者将前几年拜访1931年随王若飞回国的吉合同志的谈话录音进行了整理,其中关于王若飞回国前后的情况鲜为人知,特送《党史纵横》予以发表。下面是吉合同志的谈话记录: 回国前的准备 1931年,我正在莫斯科步兵学校学习。7月的一天,学校中国队的党支部书记潘恩普找我,说是接到组织通知,叫我同他一起到共产国际办公楼去接受任务。
April 8 this year, is the 50th anniversary of Wang Feifei’s martyrdom. In memory of the revolutionary martyr, the author arranged the recordings of his conversations with Kyrgyzstan Comrades Comrades who returned to China in 1931 with Wang Ruofei in a few years ago. Among them, little was known about Wang Ruofei’s return to the motherland, with the release of the “history of the party” to be published. The following is a record of the conversation between Kyrgyzstan and Comrades: Preparation before returning home In 1931, I was studying at the Moscow Infantry School. One day in July, Panemp, the Party branch secretary of the Chinese team at the school, came to me and said that he was informed by the organization that I would join him to the Comintern office to accept the task.