Consolidation and Microstructures of Microwave Sintered W-25Cu Alloys with Fe Addition

来源 :Journal of Wuhan University of Technology(Materials Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:usermin
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W-25Cu alloys were microwave sintered in a 2.45 GHz multimode applicator.The densification,microstructure and their dependence on sintering mode and Fe addition were investigated in detail.Owing to the volumetric heating intrinsic in microwave processing,a microstructure with larger W grain size in center regions was observed as against larger grain size in edge regions for conventional sintering.Microwave sintering demonstrates its intrinsic advantages such as rapid heating rate,densification enhancement and microstructural homogeneity;but it undesirably promotes W grain growth.Under microwave sintering,the role of Fe addition on compact consolidation is not so substantial as under conventional sintering.Moreover Fe degrades the microstructural quality,generating worse uniformity and coarser W grains. W-25Cu alloys were microwave sintered in a 2.45 GHz multimode applicator. The densification, microstructure and their dependence on sintering mode and Fe addition were investigated in detail. Owing to the volumetric heating intrinsic in microwave processing, a microstructure with larger grain size in center regions was observed as larger grain size in edge regions for conventional sintering. Microwave sintering demonstrates its intrinsic virtues such as rapid heating rate, densification enhancement and microstructural homogeneity; but it undesirably promotes promotes grain growth. Under microwave sintering, the role of Fe addition on compact consolidation is not so substantial as under conventional sintering. Moreover Fe degrades the microstructural quality, generating worse uniformity and coarser W grains.
丁玲来了! 那是1980年12月上旬,父亲收到丁玲从北京托人捎来的一封信,开头的称呼是“霞村兄”——仍按五十年前的称呼法。说她要来厦门了!而她此次决定南来的重要原因之一,是