苏联的天然气储量巨大,估计为40—45万亿立方米,约占世界天然气总储量的40%,这还不包括北极海域新发现的巨大储量。尚未开发的东西伯利亚和远东地区含气前景也很好。 天然气资源不断增长,成为80年代初苏联乐观地制定能源长远发展规划的物质基础。当时,苏联已把天然气作为支持该国工业发展的“能源桥梁”。计划要求天然气生产指标,从1980年的4350亿立方米,增至本世纪末的9500亿立方米。增产的天然气用于满足国内对能源日益增长的需要,而且,这种状况一直要维持到21世纪新的煤炭和核电的生产能力投产并成为国内主要能源时为止。
The Soviet Union has a huge natural gas reserve of 40-45 trillion cubic meters, accounting for about 40% of the world’s total natural gas reserves, excluding the newly discovered huge reserves in the Arctic. Unpublished gas prospects in eastern Siberia and the Far East are also good. The continuous growth of natural gas resources has become the material basis for the optimistic development of the long-term energy development plan of the Soviet Union in the early 1980s. At that time, the Soviet Union had turned natural gas into an “energy bridge” that supported the country’s industrial development. The plan calls for natural gas production to increase from 435 billion cubic meters in 1980 to 950 billion cubic meters by the end of this century. The increased natural gas is used to meet the growing domestic demand for energy, and the situation is maintained until the new coal and nuclear power capacity in the 21st century goes into operation and becomes the country’s major source of energy.