目前,中国还没有完全走出计划经济的传统模式,政府职能还没有真正改变。要实现政府职能的转变,不能是只希望于少数领导者的观念的转变,而是要依赖于实施职能方式的转变,这样的转变就是权力法定,规范行政行为。 因此,必须实现“两个”法定化: 一是机构法定化。政府机构改革要适应市场经济的特点,制定出包括机构设置、人员编制、领导质数等内容的方案,经法定程序通过并付以法律效力。在实施中,未经法定程序的审议,任何个人、部门均无权调整和变更。
At present, China has not yet completely out of the traditional mode of planned economy, and the government functions have not really changed yet. To achieve the transformation of government functions, we can not just hope that the leadership of a small number of changes in the concept, but to rely on the implementation of functional changes in the way that power is statutory and regulate administrative behavior. Therefore, we must achieve “two” legalization: First, the legal organization. The reform of government agencies should adapt to the characteristics of the market economy, formulate programs that include the contents of institutional settings, staffing and leadership qualifications, and pass the legal procedures and pay legal effects. In the course of implementation, no individual or department has the right to readjust and change without the consideration of legal procedures.