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小语教材中的古诗都是文质兼美、琅琅上口的精品。但古诗内容一般距学生的现实生活较远,加上千百年来语言的演变,小学生难以理解。因此古诗教学成了小学语文教学中的一项重要课题。在古诗教学中,如果能合理利用幻灯,配以投影,那一定能增强教学的形象性和趣味性,获得以下良好的教学效果。一、欣赏古诗的构图美众所周知,世间万物都是通过具体的形象才进入人的意识的。同理,如果我们借助形象的幻灯片,通过具体直观的画面就能引导学生进入情境,使抽象的诗句成为充满意境的画面,让学生欣赏到古代诗歌的构图美,从而受到美的感染、美的陶冶。《江上渔者》前两句写鲈鱼味道鲜美,人人喜爱。后两句描写了渔民捕鱼的情景。由于学生的生活积累有限,因而准确地呈现出江上捕鱼的情景受到阻碍。这时加以幻灯投影:茫茫大海,风浪翻滚,在浪尖处隐约可见一叶小舟。然后问学生:你看到了什么?想到了什么?学生看到的是渔民冒着生命危险捕鱼的情景,想到了渔民为了生存而不顾生命安危。从而激起了他们深深地同情劳动人民的情绪体验,进入了情境,更好地理解了诗的内容。又如教《游园不值》时,可先让学生看诗人被关在门外,举手敲门的投形,并让投影久留在屏幕上,使学生理解“小扣柴扉久不开”的“久”字。学生仿佛 Small language textbooks are all ancient poetry and beauty, catchy boutique. However, the contents of ancient poems are generally far away from students' real life. Coupling with the evolution of languages ​​for thousands of years, pupils find it hard to understand. Therefore, ancient poetry teaching has become an important issue in the teaching of Chinese in primary schools. In the teaching of ancient poetry, if we can make reasonable use of the slideshow, together with the projection, it will certainly enhance the image and interest of teaching and achieve the following good teaching results. First, enjoy the composition of ancient poetry as we all know, all things in the world through specific images only into the human consciousness. By the same token, if we use the slide of the image to guide the students into the situation through specific and intuitive pictures, the abstract verse becomes a picture full of artistic conception, allowing the students to enjoy the compositional beauty of ancient poetry and thus be exposed by the beauty and beauty. . The first two sentences of “River Fisherman” write sea bass delicious and everyone likes it. The latter two sentences describe the scene of fishermen fishing. Due to the limited accumulation of students' lives, the accurate picture of fishing in the river is hampered. At this time to be a slide projector: the vast sea, storm rolling, looming at the tip of a leaf boat. Then ask the students: What did you see? What happened? Students saw the fishermen risking their lives fishing scene, think of the fishermen in order to survive without regard to life and safety. Thus provoking them to deeply sympathize with the working people's emotional experience, into the situation, to better understand the content of the poem. Another example is the teaching of “garden is not worth”, you can let the students look at the poet was shut in the door, hand knock on the door cast, and let the projection stay on the screen for a long time, so that students understand “” Long "word. Students seem
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陆、海、空模型制作属于国防军体项目之一,是广大少年儿童喜闻乐见既动手又动脑的制作活动。同时,还是进行热爱科学、热爱祖国教育的好形式。 目的任务 一、使学生了解陆上