美国和苏联的情报机构斗智斗勇的内幕,人们已经听得够多的了,但美国中央情报局一名前情报官员日前披露的事实,还是令人触目惊心:中情局竟然派特工在莫斯科的心脏——克里姆林宫地下埋设了窃听器,专门用来监听苏联最高领导人的通话,由此掌握了大量绝密情报。 惊人的设想 托尼·蒙迪斯是美国中央情报局重点培养的特工,他掌握了当时最先进的间谍技术。
The intelligence agencies in the United States and the Soviet Union have the wisdom and courage to listen to enough inside stories. However, the fact disclosed by a former intelligence chief of the CIA a few days ago was even more shocking: the CIA even dispatched agents to the heart of Moscow, The underground underground of the Kremlin was embedded with a wiretap, designed to listen to calls from the supreme leader of the Soviet Union, thereby grasping a great deal of top-secret information. Amazing assumptions Tony Meng Disi is the CIA focus on training agents, he mastered the most advanced spy technology.