应联合国要求,经国务院,中央军委批准,中国于2002年底决定向刚果(金)派遣维和部队,参加当地的维和行动,并于2003年1月组建完毕。 据中国人民解放军总参谋部有关部门负责人介绍,这支维和部队由一个175人的工兵连和一个43人的医疗分队组成。目前,所有参加维和的人员已进行了集中培训,装备物资全部到位,各项准备工作已经就绪,随时准备开赴任务区履行维和使命。
At the request of the United Nations, with the approval of the State Council and the Central Military Commission, China decided at the end of 2002 to send peacekeeping troops to the Democratic Republic of Congo for participation in local peacekeeping operations and completed the establishment in January 2003. According to the person in charge of relevant departments of the General Staff Department of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army, this peacekeeping force consists of a 175-person company and a 43-person medical unit. At present, all personnel participating in peacekeeping have conducted intensive training and all the equipment and materials are in place. All the preparatory work is ready and they are ready to go to the mission area to fulfill their peacekeeping mission.