利用冬闲田养鱼,不仅能增加水产品,而且能提高土地利用率,增加农民收入,是一条很有潜力的致富门路。1 冬闲稻田的选择 宜在水源充足,排灌方便,保水保肥的冬闲稻田进行养殖,特别是房前屋后田块,土壤肥沃,管理方便,更适于冬季蓄养商品成鱼。养鱼田在放养前,田埂应加高至50cm以上,加宽到33cm,田埂要坚实,不漏水。在进出水口要设拦鱼设施,可用竹条或竹片编织拦鱼闸,也可用松树枝条扎成束把堵在进出水口的内侧,然后用泥土塞紧。在水稻割后田块进行翻犁,不必耙细,并用石灰消毒,7天后灌蓄水,准备投放鱼种。
Using winter fallow fish farming, not only can increase aquatic products, but also improve land utilization and increase farmers' income, is a promising path to prosperity. 1 The selection of winter and paddy rice should be adequate water, irrigation and drainage convenience, water and fertilizer to keep the winter paddy fields for farming, especially in front of housing front fields, fertile soil, easy management, more suitable for winter stocking products into fish. Fish farming in stocking before, Tian 埂 should be raised to more than 50cm, widened to 33cm, Tian 埂 should be solid, watertight. In the inlet and outlet should be set to stop the fish facilities, bamboo or bamboo can be used to block the fish gate, pine branches can also be tied into bundles tied into the inside of the inlet and outlet, and then plugged with mud. After the rice mowing field plots, do not rake fine, and disinfected with lime, 7 days after filling water, ready to put the fish species.