This work is to measure the diffusion coefficient of Fe-Mn-Si ternary system components in α (δ) phase at 1000 ℃. Diffusion composition of different composition of diffusion even at 1000 ℃ diffusion, the measurement of Mn and Si composition distribution curve. According to the composition distribution curve, Boltzmann-Matano method was used to obtain the diffusion coefficient of 18 components. The results show that the values of DMNMN and FeSiSi are almost the order of 10-9 cm ~ 2 s -1. The cross diffusivity D_ ( The values of MnSi) ~ (Fe) and D_ (SiMn) ~ (Fe) are one order of magnitude smaller than the main diffusion coefficient. The content of Si (subscript SiSi) ~ (Fe) increased slightly with the increase of Si and Mn. The composition of Mn had little effect on the value of Mn (Mn) Fe but increased with the increase of Si content.