5月在上海举行的第三届 SIALCHINA 2002中国国际食品和饮料展览会,此次展会将与法国家乐福总部联手推出全新的展会营销模式——组织全球家乐福采购商莅临该展会,与中国参展商进行一对一订货洽谈。此举不仅可使参展企业进入家乐福的中国市场,并使中国产品有机会进入其海外的销售网络。
May 3rd Shanghai SIALCHINA 2002 China International Food and Beverage Exhibition to be held in Shanghai. The exhibition will jointly launch a new exhibition marketing mode with Carrefour headquarters in France. - Organize Carrefour purchasers from home and abroad to come to the exhibition and hold talks with Chinese exhibitors One on one order negotiations. This move will not only enable exhibitors to enter Carrefour’s China market, but also give Chinese products a chance to enter their overseas sales network.