BR700是宝马-罗尔斯·罗伊斯有限公司研制的,推力同62kN到102kN,用于地区和公务飞机的高涵道比涡扇系列发动机,目前正在研制的有2个型号,即推力较小的BR710(起飞推力为65kN)与推力为96kN的BR715,还将发展推力更大的BR720。BR715是我国100座飞机计划的候选发动机之一。宝马-罗尔斯·罗伊斯有限公司(BMW Rolls-Royce GmbH)是由德国的宝马(BMW)公司与与英国的罗尔斯·罗伊斯有限公司分别投资50.5%、49.5%于1990午7月成立的、注册资金为2.5亿德国马克的合资公司,该公司将从事公务飞机、支线客机发动机的发展工作,飞机辅助动力装置的研制,军、民用发动机的翻修以及其它发动机的零、部件生产工作。公司总部设在德国法兰克福的奥贝鲁塞尔,
The BR700 is a high-bypass ratio turbofan engine developed by BMW-Rolls-Royce with a thrust of 62kN to 102kN for regional and business aircraft. There are currently two models under development, namely the smaller thrust The BR710 (65kN at take-off) and the BR715 at 96kN thrust will also develop the BR720 with greater thrust. The BR715 is one of the candidate engines for our 100-aircraft program. BMW Rolls-Royce GmbH is a 50.5% investment by BMW AG in Germany and Rolls-Royce Co. Ltd in the United Kingdom, with 49.5% in 1990 The joint venture, established in July with a registered capital of 250 million deutsche marks, will be engaged in the development of business aircraft and regional jet engines, the development of aircraft-assisted power plants, the renovation of military and civilian engines, and other engine parts and components Production work. The company is headquartered in Oberursel, Frankfurt, Germany,