经过十几年的艰苦谈判,我们“入世”了!曾有人预测,中国纺织服装企业将是最大的赢家。业内有关专家指出任重道远,但也做出“利大于弊”的判断。纺织服装企业则跃跃欲试,从产品质量、组织结构、销售渠道等各方面进行调整,以适应WTO的步伐。然而有一个易被纺织服装企业忽视的问题,同时又曾是令这些企业头痛的问题,那就是“人”的问题。 不可否认,中国是人力资源丰富的大国,相对廉价的劳动力是我们招徕外资的有利条件之一,纺织服装企业甚至为如何妥善处理剩余劳动力而绞尽脑汁。但是,我们应该看到,随着科技的进步,人力资源早已不是一个数量问题,“质量”被提到了一个空前的高度。著名经济学家卢卡斯就认为只有特殊的、专业化的人力资本积累才是社会经济增长的真正源泉。对于纺织服装企业而言,这种特殊的、专业的人才包括管理、外贸和技术人才。 加入WTO后,国内的纺织服装企业希望加大出口力度,而国外的纺织服装企业又大规模加盟到国内市场竞争中来,从这个角度讲,国内纺织服装相关人才不是多了,而是相当缺乏。中外企业竞争最惨烈的将是人才,“国际人才之争本土化”的问题日益突出。如何搞好“绩效管理”、“酬薪设计”,如何靠企业精神、文化、前景留人,如何建设“学习型企业”是当务之急。前不久,记者走访?
After more than 10 years of hard negotiations, we have entered the WTO! It has been predicted that China’s textile and apparel companies will be the biggest winners. Experts in the industry point out that there is a long way to go, but they also make judgments that “benefits outweighs disadvantages”. Textile and garment companies are eager to adjust their product quality, organizational structure, and sales channels to adapt to the pace of WTO. However, there is a problem that is easily overlooked by textile and garment companies. At the same time, it was once a headache for these companies. That is the problem of “people”. It is undeniable that China is a large country with abundant human resources. A relatively cheap labor force is one of the favorable conditions for us to attract foreign investment. Textile and garment companies have even racked their brains for how to properly handle the surplus labor force. However, we should see that with the advancement of science and technology, human resources are no longer a quantitative issue, and “quality” has been mentioned to an unprecedented height. The famous economist Lucas believes that only special and specialized accumulation of human capital is the true source of socio-economic growth. For textile and garment enterprises, this special and professional talent includes management, foreign trade and technical talents. After joining the WTO, domestic textile and garment enterprises hope to increase their export intensity, and foreign textile and clothing enterprises have joined the domestic market competition on a large scale. From this perspective, there are not many domestic textile and garment related talents, but they are rather lacking. . The most fierce competition between Chinese and foreign companies will be talents, and the issue of “localization of international talents” has become increasingly prominent. How to do a good job of “performance management” and “pay and salary design” and how to rely on corporate spirit, culture, and prospects to retain people and how to build a “learning enterprise” is a top priority. Not long ago, the reporter visited?