最进,笔者采访了一次参加厂长 (经理)任职资格培训班的厂长经理 们。通过几天的采访,笔者了解到这些 国营大中型企业的首脑们有几个显著特点:其一,年富力强,正值大展才华之际。他们大部分人的年龄在三四十岁,最年轻的只有28岁,年长的也只有50出头;其二,事业心极强,无不想在市场经济的大潮中大显身手。采访中谈到企业的发展远景,都是兴致勃勃,气势如虹,即使是不景气的企业或亏损企业的领导,也没有那种败将式的无奈,他们
At the very least, the author interviewed the managers of the factory managers who participated in the qualification training course for the director (manager). After a few days of interviews, the author learned that these heads of state-owned large and medium-sized enterprises have several notable features: First, they are rich in talent and are at a time of great talent. Most of them are between the ages of 30 and 40. The youngest is only 28 years old, and the oldest is only 50 years old. Second, they have a strong entrepreneurial spirit. They do not want to show their skills in the tide of the market economy. The interview talked about the company’s development prospects, all of which are full of enthusiasm and momentum. Even the leaders of the sluggish companies or loss-making companies do not have the kind of helplessness. They