以64名模特规则排布成巨大的屏幕“像素”作为服装展馆的背景,以黑白搭配作为服装底色,以“ADifferent View不同的答案”为品牌阐释的概念,潮牌CRZ的展位在第十三届深圳服交会上吸引了不少时尚界人士驻足。在深圳服交会上,CRZ将影像和服装融入“A Different View不同的答案”的主题中。由64名模特身着
64 models are arranged in a big screen with “pixels” as the background of the clothing pavilion, black and white as the background of clothing, and “ADifferent View’s different answers” as the concept of brand interpretation. Tide brand CRZ The booth at the 13th Shenzhen Service Fair attracted a lot of people from the fashion industry to stop. At the Shenzhen fair, CRZ incorporated images and costumes into the theme of “Different Answers to A Different View”. Dressed by 64 models