
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘(妇产科学分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yangwenhuai
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Objectives. Pediatric embryonal heterologous rhabdomyosarcoma of the cervix is a rare tumor. Methods. We present an interesting clinico-pathologic situation of two sisters presenting with pediatric embryonal heterologous rhabdomyosarcoma of the cervix. Results. Pediatric embryonal heterologous rhabdomyosarcomas of the cervix are relatively uncommon. After a Pubmed search from 1952 to present, to our knowledge, this is the only report involving sisters presenting with this disease. Treatment has been extrapolated from collaborative groups such as Intergroup Rhabdomyosarcoma Study (IRS) Group so that optimal management may be achieved. Conclusions. We urge continued reporting of these rare tumors to enhance understanding if there may be a genetic component associated with them. Objectives. Pediatric embryonal heterologous rhabdomyosarcoma of the cervix is ​​a rare tumor. Methods. We present an interesting clinico-pathologic situation of two sisters presenting with pediatric embryonal heterologous rhabdomyosarcoma of the cervix. Results. Pediatric embryonal heterologous rhabdomyosarcomas of the cervix are more uncommon. After a Pubmed search from 1952 to present, to our knowledge, this is the only report involving sisters presenting with this disease. We urge continued reporting of these rare tumors to enhance understanding if there may be a genetic component associated with them.
手绣香荷包就是我的“菜”  提起红色革命老区山东沂蒙,你会想起什么?是婉转优美的沂蒙山小调?还是充满韧劲的千层鞋底儿?今天,有位土生土长的小女子创造了另一个传奇。  她叫卞成飞,眼角眉梢都流淌着灵秀甜美的气质。  “姐儿房中绣荷包/手拿着钢针轻上描儿/显显你手段儿高……”这是数十年前民间女子绣荷包的场景。然而,民间艺人逐渐老去,后辈纷纷走进车水马龙的大城市闯荡,有谁还甘愿驻守乡間,坐在檐下静静地绣
记者从新疆维吾尔自治区统计局了解到,2001年新疆番茄酱产业形势喜人,出口增长势头迅猛。 Reporters learned from Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region Bureau of Statistics
选择2002年出版的中国《中华肿瘤杂志》和美国《Cancer Research》杂志前4期中刊载的论文共56篇,对其文后参考文献1350条(专著除外)进行逐条核查,并对论文的篇均引文量及其失