在法国南部永恒的普罗旺斯,坐落着一处集现代艺术,美酒,建筑于一身的葡萄酒庄园(Chateau La Coste),本案是由伦佐·皮亚诺建筑工作室(RPBW)负责设计的一个新艺术展馆,屹立于该庄园的核心位置。整个项目占地285平方米,用于展示艺术品和收藏葡萄酒。考虑到这片土地的自然形态,设计师决定从地下开凿一条深6米的峡谷,将建筑完全融入到葡萄园的景观中。承重墙与展示墙暴露在外的混凝土立面与简约的玻璃幕墙和屋顶形成鲜明对比。部分
In the timeless Provence, in the south of France lies the Chateau La Coste, a collection of modern art, fine wines and architecture. The case is an art nouveauly designed by Renzo Piano Architecture Studio (RPBW) Pavilion, stands in the heart of the manor. The entire project covers an area of 285 square meters, for the display of works of art and collection of wines. Considering the natural form of the land, the designer decided to dig a canyon 6 meters deep underground to fully integrate the building into the landscape of the vineyard. The exposed concrete facade of the load-bearing and display walls contrasts sharply with the simple glass façade and roof. section