目的 观察小粗脚粉螨休眠体形态特征。方法 采集小麦样本,采用振筛分离法和直接镜检法分离小麦样本中孳生的螨,并制成玻片标本,于光镜下进行形态观察和螨种鉴定。结果 在所采集的小麦样本中发现了小粗脚粉螨休眠体。镜下观察显示,该休眠体前足体与后半体分界明显,后半体刚毛较短,腹部具有一吸盘板。结论 储藏小麦中孳生有小粗脚粉螨休眠体,其形态特征与粗脚粉螨休眠体相似。
Objective To observe the morphological characteristics of dormant body of Acanthopanax. Methods Wheat samples were collected. The mites species in wheat samples were isolated by vibro-sieve separation and direct microscopy, and slides were made into slides for morphological observation and mite species identification. Results A small P. acari dormant was found in the collected wheat samples. Microscopic observation showed that the dormant forefoot and the second half of the obvious boundary, the latter half of the body bristles short, abdomen with a suction plate. Conclusion There is a dormant body of small acaroid mite in stored wheat and its morphological characteristics are similar to those of dormant body of acaroid pink mite.