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初中四年,你是班长,我是团支书。班主任的 眼光真的不错,初一时便把我们绑在了一起。 记不清有多少个双休日,我和你是在自行车 上度过的。我们跑遍城市的大街小巷,在各大商 场超市里“上蹿下跳”,寻找班级活动所需要的 东西;元旦时你会带回酸甜可口的橘子,我会带 回色彩斑斓的气球;开学时我们一起去买种类繁 多的本子,然后我一个人把它们带回学校,因为 你还要跑更远的路去洗照片。我无法忘记那年春 天和你去买影集时的“艰辛”。我们从城西一直 跑到了城东,腿都要断了。你骑车的速度飞快,像 逃生一样,我用尽全力也追不上你。你知道我的 方向感不好,总会在下一个路口停下车来等我, 所以我从不害怕“把目标跟丢”。你的照片和我的 文字,我们为10班留下了三本厚实的记录我们 成长的影集,你说“将来它们可以进校史馆”。 In the four years of junior high school, you were the monitor and I was the secretary of the Communist Party. The class teacher’s vision was really good. He tied us together in the early days. I can’t remember how many Saturdays and Sundays I spent on bicycles with you. We ran all over the streets and alleys of the city and “jumped up and down” in supermarkets of major shopping malls to look for what was needed for class activities. On New Year’s Day you would bring back sweet and sour oranges, and I’d bring back colorful balloons; at school hours We went together to buy a wide variety of books, and then I brought them back to school alone, because you have to go a long way to wash photos. I can’t forget the “hardships” when you went to buy albums in the spring of that year. We have been running from the west to the east of the city and our legs have been broken. You ride fast and like an escape, I try my best not to catch you. You know that my sense of direction is not good. I always stop at the next intersection and wait for me. Therefore, I never fear that I will lose my goal. In your photos and my texts, we have left three thick records of our growth for 10 classes. You said, “They can enter the school history museum in the future.”
桌面上的图标多了,影响壁纸的美观,那么你想不想找一个“抽屉”把它们都放进去呢?其实在W indow s X P下实现这种想法非常简单。首先在桌面上单击鼠标右键,从弹出菜单里把“
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在中外文学史上,常有在青少年时期因在某报刊上发表过一首小诗, 而后便一发不可收,从此走上诗歌(或其他文学形式)的创作道路,成为诗 人,甚至成为大诗人的,这样的事例可以说不胜枚举
一 2005年政治试卷 基础知识的考查,注重考查重大现 实热点问题,而且直面重大问题的 本质。 The examination of the basics of the 2005 political examination paper focu
从做教师到办刊物,这一 路走来,我感触最深的 是要担负起关注孩子的责任。否 则,愧为人师,愧为父母。为了担负 起这沉甸甸的责任,我不敢有丝毫 懈怠。 我曾读到一篇题为《娘,
魏晋玄学哲学的基本特征,一般人们都把它定作为宇宙本体论,以辩论有无问题为其 中。心议题。但除了何晏、王弼主张“以无为本、以有为末”的宇宙本体论外,玄学家嵇康、阮籍并不