第57届世界新闻摄影大赛(荷赛)评选结果,2月14日在荷兰阿姆斯特丹揭晓。为美国《国家地理》杂志服务的摄影师John Stanmeyer凭借作品《信号》获得年度图片奖和当代热点类单幅一等奖。中国新闻社摄影师贾国荣的作品《杠上竞争》获得体育动作类组照一等奖;中国摄影师陈坤荣作品《健身》获得体育特写类组照二等奖;中国青海的摄影师樊尚珍的作品《荒原上的狼》获得自然类单幅三等奖。
Results of the 57th World Press Photo Contest (Netherlands) were announced on February 14 in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. John Stanmeyer, a photographer for National Geographic magazine in the United States, won the First Prize of the Annual Picture Award and the Contemporary Hot Spot Award for his single “Signal.” China News Agency photographer Jia Guorong’s work “on the competition” won the sports action group photo first prize; Chinese photographer Chen Kunrong’s work “fitness” won the second prize of sports close-up group photo; China Qinghai photographer Fan Shangzhen’s work “Wolves on the Wilderness” won the third prize of a single natural class.