
来源 :广西教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xifeng125
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小学生思维的基本特点是从具体的形象思维逐步向抽象的逻辑思维过渡,即使是高年级的学生,思维也还要以具体的事物为基础。因此,在教学中教师要为小学生提供充分的感性材料,化抽象为具体、化繁难为简易,让学生在观察比较、综合分析的过程中,逐步使感性认识上升到理性认识,进而掌握概念和法则。而多媒体教学直观、生动、活泼,有静有动,感染力强,它为学生牢固掌握知识创设了 The basic characteristics of primary school students’ thinking are the gradual transition from the concrete image thinking to the abstract logical thinking. Even for the senior students, thinking should be based on concrete things. Therefore, in teaching, teachers should provide pupils with adequate perceptual material, to abstract abstraction as concrete, and to ease and ease as simple as possible so that students can gradually increase their perceptual knowledge to rational cognition in the process of observation, comparison and comprehensive analysis, law. The multimedia teaching is intuitive, vivid, lively, static and dynamic, strong appeal, it created a solid knowledge of students