The Collision of Ink and Poster Design——Take Jin Daiqiang's works As an Example

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【Abstract】The current society is developing rapidly,and more and more attention is paid to international cultural exchanges. In order to promote traditional Chinese elements,take the famous visual communication designer Jin Daiqiang① as an example,analyze his relationship with ink and wash and the style and characteristics of his ink and wash poster design,so as to better understand the role of traditional culture in modern graphic design.

【Keywords】Jin Daiqiang,Ink Painting,Poster Design

In today’s world,only the Chinese culture that has been in the same line and has never been interrupted is the Chinese culture that has experienced more than five thousand years. The ink and wash element is a unique language in Chinese traditional culture. Essence. Jin Daiqiang's poster design gives full play to the characteristics of ink flow and rich ink color levels,emphasizes the natural form of expression,and integrates Chinese and Western cultures,making his works richer in times and individual characteristics.

Different societies,different regions and different eras have derived unique visual languages. The significance of the inheritance of tradition is not to maintain the tradition rigidly,but to innovate on the basis of the tradition,so that the tradition has new vitality. On the issue of design,Jin Daiqiang belongs to the fusion school,and he advocates showing the charm of Chinese culture in the visual language of modern design. In his design,ink and wash is not only a visual element,but also permeates more humanistic care. He displays the formal language of ink and wash properly,so that this kind of visual language originally belonging to the niche group space naturally appears in the public space. His design style benefits from his achievements in ink painting and calligraphy,combining the new and the old with refined techniques,and turning abstract calligraphic elements into concrete images.[1]

Mr. Jin Daiqiang's poster design is well-known,the simple Western design form reveals the rich oriental characteristics,and the permeating Chinese cultural heritage fascinates the viewer. Jin Daiqiang's poster designs at the mature stage of his design style mostly took Chinese ink and wash elements as the themes. He took in the long-standing Chinese calligraphy and traditional Chinese ink painting art as fresh elements that had never appeared before in the design field as his creative inspiration and elements. And in an understatement,rich in traditional oriental aesthetics and artistic conception into the poster creation,and achieved great success. Most of his poster designs use white as the background color,and leave a large area of white space,inheriting the combination of virtual and real in Chinese paintings and a strong sense of space,while the relative ink brush strokes and lines are usually simple and light,like Chinese paintings that permeate the entire design. One body,slowly flowing out of vivid vitality.

【摘 要】自2005年巴基凝胶执行器(BGA)的示范以来,为开发这种电活性变形纳米复合材料的新应用付出了巨大努力。这种三层双形态纳米复合材料可以很容易地制造,在空气中操作,并驱动几个伏特。【关键词】巴基凝胶;执行器一、引言近些年来,人们开始关注能够将电能直接转化为机械工作的软材料,因为它们允许广泛应用,包括机器人、触觉和光学显示器、价值设备、微电系统等[1],特别是机械聚合物执行器,它可以工作快速和软驱动电压,所以它们可以用作人工肌肉般的执行器的各种生物医学。随着工作环境的需求,人们希望其可以以极低的操作
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【摘 要】在我国现代化教育水平不断提高以及教育改革力度不断深入的背景下,人们对公安专业教学内容和教学模式的改革工作给予了高度重视。对于防卫与控制课程而言,是组成现代化警察学校教学体系不可缺少的重要元素之一,直接决定了警校专业人才在开展警务工作中是否具有较高战斗力。因此,本文针对警校防卫与控制课程教学模式改革措施展开详细分析,从不同层面入手,加强对教学模式的全面优化与完善,为提高警校人才专业能力奠定坚实基础。【关键词】警校;防卫与控制;课程教学;在保护人民生命和财产安全以及维护社会治安稳定相关工作中,人民警
打开文本图片集 【摘 要】“后方法时代”背景下,文秋芳教授及其团队提出了具有中国特色的外语教学理论体系─“产出导向法”,我国本土外语教学向前迈进一大步。基于“产出导向法”框架以及教育评价方式相关的系列研究,文秋芳教授创设了新评价形式─“师生合作评价”(Teacher-Student Collaborative Assessment,TSCA)。本文采用文献研究法,对2016-2020年国内“师生合作评价”的相关应用进行研究分析,发现目前TSCA逐渐引起学者和一线教师的关注,也
【摘 要】顶岗实习教学模式是近年来国家实行的一种新型教学模式,由學校、实习单位、学生三方共同参与。通过实施顶岗实习教学模式,对学校培养适应社会的劳动者以及技工学校学生身心发展产生了积极影响。但在顶岗实习过程中也存在诸多不可避免的问题,本文通过顶岗实习典型案例分析,探讨问题产生的原因及预防和解决的途径。【关键词】顶岗实习;问题;解决方法近年来,国家教育部对中等职业学校提出“2+1”顶岗实习教育模式,即中等职业学校学生在校就读两年,接受文化和专业知识的课堂教育,第三年由学校联系企业单位,让学生到企业参加实习工
【摘 要】本文引见了复凝聚法制备微胶囊的有关知识,分析了复凝聚法制备微胶囊的影响因素,并对主要影响微胶囊的因素进行简单分析,之后对目前复凝聚法的应用进行陈述,最后对复凝聚法制备微胶囊进行了展望。【关键词】复凝聚法;微胶囊引言微胶囊是研究人员在上世纪30年代发现的一种精细聚合物材料,其是由精细高分子材料包裹内部物质而构成的球状颗粒,这种物质被研究人员称为微胶囊。而将物体进行微胶囊化不仅能够改变物质的一些物理性质,还可以控制芯材的释放,隔离组分,降低加工和保存过程的挥发损失[1],自从微胶囊进入人类视觉领域后
【摘 要】在面对不同的时代发展变化的过程中,教育问题也越来越受到人们的重视,所以教师在将一成不变的教学案例进行合理创新的前提下,才能够为学生创设不同的学习环境。并且能够优化学生在课堂中的学习成果,在时代不断发展变化的过程中,能够逐渐地帮助学生对于知识内容进行合理地检验。所以在这样的教学前提下,教师都需要侧重于对于学生综合素质的发展,并且能够让学生对于不同的地理知識内容的学习,都可以联系到自己的生活情况,这样才能够逐渐地培养学生的实践学习能力。因此,本文就基于地理核心素养的高中地理生活化教学策略进行分析和探