PHILIPS 536 155-2宝丽金近来接二连三地推出清新亮丽的创作型新秀:爱沙尼亚的玛亚、爱尔兰的艾玛、肯尼,以及这里将要介绍的来自美国的钢琴新秀克劳拉彭蒂(Clara Ponty)。如不看介绍,光看封套上清新可人的克劳拉,你一定想像不出这位美丽的女郎是一位作曲家,而这张唱片也正是她自编自演的处女作。出身于音乐家庭的克劳拉,受其父亲影响自幼接触了大量的音乐流派,13岁时便能演奏李斯特颇具技巧性的作品。后与作为New Age音乐家的父亲长期合作演出,据称她对音乐有一种“最自然地爱”。对作曲更是有一种天然的把握能力。20岁时,克劳拉决定放弃钢琴演奏事业,专心从事自己钟爱的作曲,由于幼年接触的大量音乐中古典音乐占绝对比例,她的创作灵感也基本源自博大的古典宝藏。克劳拉最爱的作曲家是莫扎特和肖邦,因而她的作品中亦不难找到莫扎特和肖邦的影子。
PHILIPS 536 155-2 Polyplastics recently introduced fresh and innovative creative rookies: Maya of Estonia, Emma and Kenny of Ireland, Claire Ponty, a piano rookie from the United States to be introduced here, ). If you do not read the introduction, just look at the cover of fresh and pleasant Crowe La La, you must not imagine this beautiful girl is a composer, but this album is also her debut debut. Claude was born in a musical family, influenced by his father since childhood exposed a large number of music genres, at the age of 13 can play Liszt’s skillful works. After long acting as a New Age musician’s father, she is said to have “a most natural love” for music. There is a natural ability to grasp composition. At the age of 20, Crowela decided to give up her piano career and concentrate on her favorite composition. Since the absolute majority of the classical music in a large number of young children’s exposure to music, her inspiration is basically derived from the vast classical treasures. Clara’s favorite composers are Mozart and Chopin, so her work is not difficult to find the shadow of Mozart and Chopin.