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  i Am blind, bUt i never Give Up
  I was first introduced to the sport in Frisco, Colorado, at the Frisco 1)Nordic Training Center there, and I got a taste of what 2)biathlon was, which was where you ski a loop and you shoot five targets. I just was, uh, really amazed that a blind person could shoot.

  John Farra (Training Center Director): It’s hard enough to learn how to cross-country ski when you’re…when you’re an adult. But then to also be a, a newly blind guy, someone who’s learning to be really, uh, blind for the first time, and attach that to the goal of learning to be a cross-country skier? It, it’s almost 3)mindboggling.
  And, for a blind individual, you utilize a laser 4)rifle system. And so, as you lift the rifle and sweep through…the rifle through the target, you hear this spectrum of sound. You have sound guiding you to the 5)bull’s eye, to dead center.
  I joined the U.S. Army, and I was very interested in serving in the military. On my first 6)deployment I was for Bagdad, Iraq, for a 16-month tour. And, halfway through that tour, I was injured. Our vehicle, which was leading at the time, was struck by a [sic] 7)IED, and I lost my vision, uh, fairly 8)instantaneously. I woke up half a world away, you know, from the battlefield, uh, in a hospital bed. I thought about where I wanted to go in life, and I didn’t want to give up on things. So I had a great support network around me, who 9)rallied and helped me focus on the things I needed to pursue, you know, the things I needed to set as goals, and, and that was to recover and to learn how to be…live life independently.

  I’ve been climbing and hiking the past, you know, four or five years all over the world. The last climb I did was in Russia, in the 10)Caucasus. Being blind, not being able to see, everything looks the same—although the experience is different everywhere you go, because of the people, because of the culture, the language, the feeling. But it’s truly exciting. It’s…it’s very challenging and dangerous. I think some people would consider it crazy and dumb, you know, no doubt.
  And anything I do now is team effort. I have to have a guide, someone who helps me. So the trust I put in my guide, it involves a lot of communication. Whether it’s climbing or skiing, I have to really, uh, build this relationship with that individual, that…the individual is not worried about leading a blind person over a thousand foot cliff or something.   The idea behind Blind Endeavors is really to spread awareness through adventure and exploration; make people more aware of what someone who, uh, you know, someone like myself, who has a disability or, or someone who’s paralyzed or has a…another problem, what they’re capable of doing if they have the right support network.


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