2013年是世界著名经济史家、社会学家、社会政策大师、社会福利理论创始人之一和公民权理论奠基人T.H.马歇尔(T.H.Marshall)诞辰120周年(1893-1981)的历史性时刻。鉴于中国正处于现代社会政策框架设计、社会立法时代与中国特色现代社会福利制度框架建设的初期阶段,正处于由以道德和国家权威恩赐为基础的社会福利制度,向以社会公民权为基础的现代社会福利制度转型过渡的关键时期,译者特将英国伦敦经济学院著名社会行政教授罗伯特.平克(Robert Pinker),全面系统介绍西方社会政策鼻祖和公民权理论奠基人马歇尔的福利思想的文章翻译出来,以供中国政界、学界和社会福利服务实务界同仁参考。
In 2013, the historic moment of the 120th anniversary of the birth of T.H. Marshall, one of the world’s leading economic historians, sociologists, master of social policy, founder of social welfare theory and founder of civil rights theory (1893-1981). Given that China is in the early stages of the framework of modern social policy framework design, the era of social legislation and the construction of a modern social welfare system with Chinese characteristics, China is now moving toward a social welfare system based on the gift of morality and state authority, During the crucial transitional transition of the social welfare system, the translator translated Robert Pinker, a well-known professor of social administration at the London School of Economics, and an article systematically introducing the ideology of Welfare of Marshall, founder of the western social policy and civil rights theory For reference by political, academic and social welfare service practitioners in China.