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目的 探讨症状性良性前列腺增生症 (BPH)患者对国际前列腺症状评分 (IPSS)中文版的理解能力。 方法 对 5 0例有症状的BPH患者按文化程度不同分为文盲、小学、中学和大专 4组。由一位泌尿外科医生在询问病史时 ,根据每例患者的症状进行IPSS评估 ,以作为标准评分 ,然后每例患者应用标准中文版IPSS问卷进行自我症状评估。分析患者与医生IPSS配对数据的差异性。 结果  5 0例患者自测IPSS总评分为 2 3 .40± 8.16 ,医生评估的IPSS总评分为 2 3.2 7± 6 .6 8,二者比较差别无显著性意义 (P >0 .0 5 ) ,其中IPSS问卷中每个问题的评分值患者与医生之间差别均无显著性意义 (P >0 .0 5 )。不同文化程度的患者自测总分及每个问题的评分值与医生之间差别亦无显著性意义 (P >0 .0 5 )。 结论 症状性BPH患者能够很好地理解中文版IPSS问卷 ,可用于患者症状的评估。但由于IPSS问卷稳定性较差 ,应对IPSS进行适当修改。 Objective To investigate the comprehension of Chinese version of International Prostate Symptom Score (IPSS) in patients with benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). Methods Fifty cases of symptomatic patients with BPH were divided into four groups according to their educational level: illiterate, elementary school, middle school and college. A urologist searched IPSS for symptoms of each patient as a standard score while asking a medical history, and each patient was evaluated for symptoms using a standard Chinese version of the IPSS questionnaire. Analyze patient-physician IPSS paired data differences. Results The total score of self-rated IPSS was 23.03 ± 8.16 and the total score of IPSS evaluated by doctors was 2 3.2 7 ± 6. 6 8. There was no significant difference between the two groups (P> 0.05) There was no significant difference between the score of each question in the IPSS questionnaire and the doctor (P> 0.05). There was no significant difference between the self-rated total scores of patients with different education levels and the scores of each question and the doctors (P> 0.05). Conclusion Symptomatic BPH patients can well understand Chinese version of IPSS questionnaire, which can be used to evaluate the symptoms of patients. However, due to the poor stability of the IPSS questionnaire, IPSS should be properly modified.
1 病例摘要  患者 ,女性 ,18岁 ,因反复双下肢出现出血点 7个月 ,尿检异常 6个月于 2 0 0 1 0 7 2 8入院。缘于2 0 0 1年 1月无诱因双下肢出现出血点 ,对称分布 ,不伴瘙痒
目的 研究尿毒症维持性血液透析 (血透 )患者血浆瘦素水平及其与营养状态的关系。方法 选择维持性血透患者及健康人各 30例 ,于空腹取血 ,应用放射免疫分析法测定血浆中瘦