目的:探讨MRI在卵巢良性囊性病变诊断中的临床价值,以提高其诊断及鉴别诊断的水平。方法收集外院2009-2013年经手术及病理证实的173例卵巢良性囊性病变,回顾性分析、总结其MRI特征性表现。结果173例卵巢良性囊性病变中卵巢囊肿65例,子宫内膜异位囊肿57例,成熟囊性畸胎瘤34例,囊腺瘤17例,其中4例畸胎瘤合并卵巢囊肿,12例子宫内膜异位囊肿合并卵巢囊肿,2例囊腺瘤合并卵巢囊肿。MRI检出165例囊性病变部位与手术病理一致,准确率为95.4%,152例MRI诊断与手术病理结果符合,符合率为87.9%。结论 MRI在卵巢良性囊性病变的定位、定性及鉴别诊断方面有相当重要的价值,能很好的显示出病变的组织学特征及与邻近组织的关系,为术前评估提供可靠的依据。“,”Objective Investigate the value of MRI in the diagnosis of benign ovarian cystic disease,to improve the level of diagnosis and differential diagnosis.Methods MRI finding of 173 cases of benign ovarian cystic disease which were confirmed by surgical-pathology during 2009 to 2013 in our hospital were analyzed retrospectively.Results There are 65 oarian cysts, 57 endometriosis cysts, 34 mature cystic teratomas, 17 cystadenomas in the 173 patients, of whom, the teratoma merge ovarian cyst were found in 4, endometriosis cyst with ovarian cysts in 12, cystadenoma with ovarian cysts in 2. MRI finding of 165 cases of cystic lesion site consistent with surgical-pathology, and the accuracy was 95.4%.and the MRI dignosis of 152 patients were accordant with surgical-pathology,the agreement rate was 87.9%. Conclusion MRI has important clinical value in the locating diagnosis、the qualitative diagnosis and the differential diagnosis of the benign ovarian cystic disease, and MRI can display clearly the relationship between the histologic characteristics of lesions and the adjacent tissue, to provide reliable basis for preoperative assessment.