患儿,男,3岁11个月,于2016年1月27日就诊,既往体健,无明显诱因出现上腹痛2 d,呕吐数次,非喷射性,胃内容物,2 d未排大便,尿少。查体:神志清,精神差,面色苍白,中度脱水貌,呼吸促,左肺呼吸音低,左上腹压痛,伴有肌紧张。腹部B超未见急腹症征象;胸片示左侧大量胸腔积液,左侧膈疝?胸部B超:大量胸腔积液及肠管;胸部CT平扫:膈疝嵌顿,肠绞窄,肠
Child, male, 3 years old and 11 months old, was treated on January 27, 2016 and was previously healthy. There was no obvious cause of upper abdominal pain for 2 days, vomiting several times, non-injectable, stomach contents, Less urine. Examination: Consciousness, poor spirit, pale, moderate dehydration appearance, shortness of breath, left lung breath low, left upper quadrant tenderness, accompanied by muscle tension. Abdomen no signs of acute abdomen B; chest X-ray showed a large number of pleural effusion on the left, left diaphragmatic hernia? B ultrasound: a lot of pleural effusion and intestine; chest CT scan: diaphragmatic hernia incarceration, intestine strangulation, intestine strangulation