本年11月7日,适逢十月社会主义革命四十周年。对此庄严而偉大的节日,我們異常兴奋和万分亲切地为之欢欣、鼓舞。 1917年偉大的十月社会主义革命的胜利,开辟了整个人类历史的新时代,照亮了全世界劳动人只彻底解放的道路。由于十月革命的胜利,在地球六分之一的广大土地上創立了无产阶級社会主义的国家——苏联。从此,世界上有了社会主义的新世界和資本主义的旧世界;有了以苏联为首的无产阶級社会主义陣营,和以美、英等为首的资产阶級帝国主义反革命的陣营。这就动摇了世界資本主义的整个体系,开始了資本主义总危机和世界无产阶級革命的时代。也由于十月革命的胜利,西方无产阶
November 7 this year coincides with the 40th anniversary of the socialist revolution in October. For this solemn and magnificent festival, we are very excited and encouraged by all the excitement and delight. The victory of the great October Socialist Revolution of 1917 opened up a new era in human history as a whole, and illuminated the entire liberation path for working people throughout the world. Owing to the victory of the October Revolution, the proletarian socialist state was founded on the vast land of one sixth of the earth - the Soviet Union. Since then, the world has a new world of socialism and an old capitalist world; it has a proletarian socialist camp headed by the Soviet Union and a bourgeois imperialist counter-revolutionary camp headed by the United States and Britain. This shakes the entire system of world capitalism and begins an era of total capitalist crisis and world proletarian revolution. Also due to the victory of the October Revolution, the West was proletarian