打完本赛季的女篮联赛,刚回到北京的八一体工大队,陈楠就收到一份惊喜:一个朋友从外地专门寄给她一个1米多高的大毛绒娃娃。今年 WCBA 联赛进行到一半时,这个朋友对陈楠许愿:如果你们又拿了冠军,我就送你一个大个的毛绒娃娃。让陈楠没想到的是,这个娃娃有这么大,连身高近两米的她抱起来都有点困难。身旁的队友都羡慕地看着她,难怪陈楠抱着娃娃乐得合不拢嘴。陈楠很久没笑得这么开心了。雅典奥运会上的失利,让赛前踌躇满志甚至志在夺牌的中国女篮姑娘们遭受打击。
After finishing this season’s Women’s Basketball League, just returned to Beijing’s August 1 team, Nan Chen received a surprise: a friend from the field specifically sent her a 1 meter high plush doll. This year, WCBA League to halfway, this friend made a wish to Chen Nan: If you took the championship, I’ll send you a big plush doll. Let Nan Nan did not expect that this doll is so big, even the height of nearly two meters she hugged a bit difficult. Side of the teammates are enviously looked at her, no wonder Chen Nan holding the doll music from ear to ear. Nan Nan long time no laugh so happy. Athens Olympic Games defeat, so complacent before the game even aspired to win the Chinese women’s basketball girls were hit.