Catalytic Conversion of 2-Naphthol to 2-Hydroxy-1,4-naphthoquinone Under Mild Conditions

来源 :Chinese Journal of Chemistry | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sinjorzhang
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2-Hydroxy-1,4-naphthaquinone (HNQ) was selectively synthesized from catalytic oxidation of 2-naphthol by molecular oxygen over tetra(4-methoxyl-phenyl)porphyrinate iron(III) chloride (TMOPPFeCl) catalyst in an alkali methanol solution under mild conditions. The influences of solvents, temperature, time, as well as amounts of cata-lysts and alkali were studied. The quantitative data show that 32.9% of 2-naphthol (0.093 mol/dm3) was catalyti-cally converted to HNQ with the selectivity of 100% at 323 K for 9 h over TMOPPFeCl catalyst (2.54×10-4 mol/dm3) in alkali media (30 mL of methanol containing 2.5 mol/dm3 of NaOH) by flowing molecular oxygen (flowing rate of 45 mL/min). 2-Hydroxy-1,4-naphthaquinone (HNQ) was selectively synthesized from catalytic oxidation of 2-naphthol by molecular oxygen over tetra (4-methoxyl-phenyl) porphyrinate iron (III) chloride The influences of solvents, temperature, time, as well as amounts of cata-lysts and alkali were studied. The quantitative data show that 32.9% of 2-naphthol (0.093 mol / dm3) was catalyzed-cally converted to HNQ with the selectivity of 100% at 323 K for 9 h over TMOPPFeCl catalyst (2.54 × 10-4 mol / dm3) in alkali media (30 mL of methanol containing 2.5 mol / dm3 of NaOH) / min).
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