1995 - 2 0 0 0年 ,在国内 6 0种公开期刊上共发展篮球论文 5 43篇 ,对其中具有代表性的 2 8种期刊上发表的 2 5 8篇论文进行分析研究后认为 ,6年来发表的篮球论文年度量呈平稳上升的发展趋势 ,研究内容具有不均衡特点 ,主要集中在技、战术、教学和训练理论方面 ,运动心理学方面研究逐年增加 ,有较强的实用性和超前性 ,在生理生化、选材、场地器材方面研究和涉及中国篮球改革方面研究论文在逐年增多 ,在研究方法上 ,高科技应用研究方面有发展 ,但论文采用研究方法显单调
From 1995 to 2000, a total of 546 basketball papers were published in 60 domestic open journals and 258 papers published in 28 representative journals were analyzed. After 6 years The published papers show a trend of steady increase in the annual volume. The content of the research is imbalanced, mainly focusing on technical, tactical, teaching and training theories. The research on sports psychology has been increasing year by year with strong practicality and advancement , Research papers on physiology and biochemistry, material selection, field equipment and basketball reform involving China have been increasing year by year, and have been developed in research methods and high-tech applied research. However,