Reinforcement effects of ground treatment with dynamic compaction replacement in cold and saline soi

来源 :Sciences in Cold and Arid Regions | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liongliong439
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The mechanical property of saline soils varies with moisture and climate in the cold and salt lake region of Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, which influences project construction. In order to improve foundation reinforcement effect of the Qarhan-Golmud Highway, Qinghai Province, China, dynamic compaction replacement (DCR) composite foundation was applied in saline soils. A field experiment was conducted in this area, where strength and working mechanism of pier-soil and deformation modulus of the composite foundation was analyzed after reinforcement. This paper presents methods for determining the coefficient on the bearing capacity evaluation and deformation modulus of composite foundation with DCR. Reinforcement case of DCR is highly effective in saline soils of the salt lake regions, which helps the migration of water and salt in saline soils. The mechanical property of saline soils varies with moisture and climate in the cold and salt lake region of Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, which influences project construction. In order to improve foundation reinforcement effect of the Qarhan-Golmud Highway, Qinghai Province, China, dynamic compaction replacement field (DCR) composite foundation was applied in saline soils. A field experiment was conducted in this area, where strength and working mechanism of pier-soil and deformation modulus of the composite foundation was analyzed after reinforcement. This paper presents methods for determining the coefficient on the bearing capacity evaluation and deformation modulus of composite foundation with DCR. Reinforcement case of DCR is highly effective in saline soils of the salt lake regions, which helps the migration of water and salt in saline soils.
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