许多国家,特别是发达国家用计算机检索文献已很普遍。1980年,中国农科院科技情报所开始引进英联邦农业局(CAB)文摘磁带。笔者曾于1983—1985年就甜菜营养与施肥问题(Sugar—beet Nutrition and ferti za-tion)向引进单位作了专题检索。共检索出有关这一内容的文献摘要300余篇,资料来源遍布世界各甜菜种植国。这批检索出的英文资料经笔者归纳整理后,拟对甜菜施肥时期、肥料形态和施肥部位作一论述。
Many countries, especially developed countries, have made computer-based literature widely available. In 1980, the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Science and Technology Information Office began to introduce Commonwealth Department of Agriculture (CAB) digest tape. In 1983-1985, the author made a special search on the introduction unit of Sugar-beet Nutrition and Fertilization. A total of more than 300 articles have been retrieved on the basis of this content. The sources are all over the world. After this batch of English information retrieved by the author induction finishing, the proposed beet fertilization period, fertilizer forms and fertilization sites to make a discussion.