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培育磷高效小麦品种的遗传学与生理学基础rn李振声rn(中国科学院遗传研究所植物细胞与染色体工程国家重点实验室,北京 100101)rn  关键词:磷高效;小麦;生理基础rn  中图分类号:Q943,Q945   文献标识码:A   文章编号:0253-9772(2001)-01-0041-01rnGenetic and Physiological basis for breedingrnPhosphorus Nutrient Efficient Wheat VarietiesrnLI Zhen-shengrn(The State Key Laboratory of Plant Cell and Chromosome Engineering, Institute of Genetics, The Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100101, China)rn用于小麦染色体工程的蓝粒小麦单体系列材料的创制rn李振声rn(中国科学院遗传研究所植物细胞与染色体工程国家重点实验室)rn关键词:染色体工程;蓝粒小麦rn中图分类号:Q943   文献标识码:A   文章编号:0253-9772(2001)-01-rnEstablishment of a Set of blue Grained Wheat Monosomic rnLines for Wheat Chromosome engineering studiesrnLI Zhen-shengrn(The State Key Laboratory of Plant Cell and Chromosome Engineering,rnInstitute of Genetics, The Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100101, China)rn禾本科植物大小基因组间在基因密度上的共线性与保守性rnBeat Kellerrn(Institute of Plant Biology, University of Zürich Zollikerstrasse 107, CH-8008 Zürich, Switzerland)rn关键词:禾本科植物;基因组;基因密度;共线性rn中图分类号:Q78   文献标识码:A   文章编号:0253-9772(2001)-01-0042-02rnMicro-colinearity and Conservation of HighrnGene Density in Small and Large Grass GenomesrnBeat Kellerrn(Institute of Plant Biology, University of Zürich Zollikerstrasse 107, CH-8008 Zürich, Switzerland)rn利用栽培一粒小麦的BAC文库精细定位小麦基因rnBeat Kellerrn(Institute of Plant Biology, University of Zürich Zollikerstrasse 107, CH-8008 Zürich, Switzerland)rn关键词:一粒小麦;BAC文库;小麦基因rn中图分类号:Q75   文献标识码:A   文章编号:0253-9772(2001)-01-0043-02rnHigh Resolution Mapping of Wheat Genes Using a rnTriticum monococcum BAC LibraryrnBeat Kellerrn(Institute of Plant Biology, University of Zürich Zollikerstrasse 107, CH-8008 Zürich, Switzerland)rn图位克隆小麦抗叶锈基因Lr1rn凌宏清,Beat Kellerrn(Institute of Plant Biology, University of Zurich, Zollikerstrasse 107. CH-8008 Zurich, Switzerland)rn关键词:图位克隆;抗叶锈;小麦rn中图分类号: Q343.1   文献标识码:A   文章编号:0253-9772(2001)-01-0044-01rnTowards map-based cloning of the leaf rust rndisease resistance gene Lr1 in wheatrnLING Hong-qing,Beat Kellerrn(Institute of Plant Biology, University of Zurich, Zollikerstrasse 107. CH-8008 Zurich, Switzerland)rn认识和改良中国小麦蛋白质量的遗传基础:策略与现有的研究rn王道文,曲乐庆,贾 旭,张相岐,万永芳,李振声rn(中国科学院遗传研究所植物细胞与染色体工程国家重点实验室,北京 100101)rn关键词:小麦;蛋白质;遗传基础rn中图分类号:Q512.1.032   文献标识码:A   文章编号:0253-9772(2001)-01-0045-01rnUnderstanding and Manipulating the Genetic Basis of Protein rnQuality in Chinese Wheat:Strategies and Current ExperimentsrnWANG Dao-wen, QU Le-qing , JIA Xu , ZHANG Xiang-qi, WAN Yong-fang, LI Zhen-shengrn(The State Key Laboratory of Plant Cell and Chromosome Engineering,rnInstitute of Genetics, the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100101, China)rn比较遗传学研究在认识禾本科植物基因组与基因功能中的应用价值rnMike Gale,Katrien Devos,and Graham Moorern(John Innes Centre, Norwich, Norwich Research Park,Colney,Norwich.UK)rn关键词:比较遗传学;基因组;基因功能rn中图分类号:Q943   文献标识码:A   文章编号:0253-9772(2001)-01-0046-01rnCereal Comparative Genetics-research OpportunitiesrnMike Gale,Katrien Devos,and Graham Moorern(John Innes Centre, Norwich, Norwich Research Park,Colney,Norwich.UK)rn小麦与环境互作的遗传学基础及其在提高小麦产量中的作用rnJ W Snapern(John Innes Centre, Norwich Research Park, Colney, Norwich,UK)rn关键词:小麦;环境互作;遗传学rn中图分类号: S521.1   文献标识码:A   文章编号:0253-9772(2001)-01-0046-02rnThe Genetics of Adaptation in Wheat rnand Its Role in Maximising Yield PotentialrnJ W Snapern(John Innes Centre, Norwich Research Park, Colney, Norwich,UK)rnJohn Innes中心禾本科植物系所从事的研究:rn为认识小麦的生物学而努力rnJ W Snapern(John Innes Centre, Norwich Research Park, Colney, Norwich, UK)rn关键词:小麦;禾本科植物rn中图分类号:S512.F   文献标识码:A   文章编号:0253-9772(2001)-01-0048-02rnTowards Understanding the Biology of wheat:Work in the Cereals Research Department at the John Innes Centre, Norwich, UKrnJ W Snapern(John Innes Centre, Norwich Research Park, Colney, Norwich, UK)rn杀配子染色体的作用机制及其应用rnTakashi Endorn(Laboratory of Genetics,Faculty of Agriculture, kyoto University Kyoto, 606,Japan)rn关键词:杀配子;染色体;作用机制rn中图分类号:Q343   文献标识码:A   文章编号:0253-9772(2001)-01-0049-01rnAction and application of gametocidal chromosomesrnTakashi Endorn(Laboratory of Genetics Faculty of Agriculture, kyoto University Kyoto, 606, Japan)rn利用杀配子染色体2C诱导大麦染色体产生结构变异rn施芳rn(Laboratory of Genetics, Faculty of Agriculture, kyoto University Kyoto, 606, Japan)rn关键词:杀配子;染色体;大麦rn中图分类号:Q343   文献标识码:A   文章编号:0253-9772(2001)-01-0049-02rnGeneration of structural changes in barley chromosomes by the gametocidal chromosome 2CrnSHI Fangrn(Laboratory of Genetics, Faculty of Agriculture, kyoto UniversityKyoto,606,Japan)rn小偃麦附加系Z1和Z2中外源染色体2Ai-2的结构组成rn张增燕,辛志勇,陈 孝rn(中国农业科学院作物育种栽培研究所,北京 100081)rn关键词:小偃麦;附加系;染色体rn中图分类号:Q343.2   文献标识码:A   文章编号:0253-9772(2001)-01-0050-02rnStructural Organization of an Alien Group 2 Chromosome rn(2Ai-2)in Wheat-Thinopyum intermedium Addition Lines Z1 and Z2rnZHANG Zeng-yan, XIN Zhi-yong, CHEN Xiaorn(Key Lab of Crop Genetics & Breeding of Ministry of Agriculture,rnInstitute of Crop Breeding and Cultivation,CAAS,Beijing 100081, China)rn  The barley yellow dwarf virus(BYDV)resistance lines of Z1 and Z2 were derived from Zhong 5, a partial amphiploid resulted from the cross between Triticum aestivum(wheat) and Thinopyrum intermedium. Genomic in situ hybridization (GISH) was used to analyze the chromosome constitution of Zhong 5 by using genomic DNA of Pseudoregneria strigosa(StSt,2n=14)as the probe. The GISH results showed that zhong 5 contains 42 wheat chromosomes and l4 Th.intermedium chromosomes composed of 4 St, 4 Js,4 St-J translocation and 2 St-Js Robertsonian translocation chromosomes. The chromosome constitution of Z1 and Z2 was analyzed by GISH using genomic DNA probes from Th.intermedium and Ps.Strigosa. The GISH results indicated that both Z1 and Z2 possess 42 wheat chromosomes and 2 Th.intermedium chromosomes that were identical to a pair of St-J translocation chromosomes in Zhong 5. The Th.intermedium chromosomes,designated as 2Ai-2 chromosome derived from Zhong 5,mostly belong to the St genome except the middle region (about one third of the long arm) belonging to the E(J)genome. A detailed RFLP analysis was conducted for Z1,Z2 and their parents,St and E (J) genomes. The results of RFLP analyses demonstrated that the Th.intermedium chromosomes(2Ai-2,St-J)in Z1 and Z2 are extensively homologous to the Wheat group 2 chromosomes. The results of RFLP analyses on the genome composition of the 2Ai-2 chromosome were in agreement with the GISH results. Presence of psr 928 on 2AS and 2DS but absence on 2Ai-2S suggests some internal structural differences between 2Ai-2 and the wheat group 2 chromosomes. Some RFLP markers specific to the 2Ai-2 chromosome were identified and may be effectively used to select translocation lines with small segment of the 2Ai-2 chromosome and to localize the BYDV resistance gene in wheat background. rnKey words:wheat;Thinopyrum intermedium;barley yellow dwarf virus (BYDV);genomic in situ hybridization (GISH);RFLP;homoeologous group 2rn抗大麦黄矮病的小偃麦易位系的创制与鉴定rn辛志勇,张增燕,陈 孝,林志珊rn(中国农业科学院作物育种载培研究所,北京 100081)rn关键词:大麦;小偃麦;易位系rn中图分类号:QS512   文献标识码:A   文章编号:0253-9772(2001)-01-0051-02rnDevelopment and Characterization ofrnCommon wheat-Thinopyrum intermedium Translocation rnLines with Resistance to Barley Yellow Dwarf VirusrnXIN Zhi-yong,ZHANG Zeng-yan,CHEN Xiao,LIN Zhi-shan,rnMA You-zhi,XU Hui-jun,XU Qiong-fang,DU Li-purn(Key Lab of Crop Genetics&Breeding of Agriculture Ministry,rnInstitute of Crop Breeding and Cultivation,CAAS,Beijing,100081,China)rn  Barley yellow dwarf virus(BYDV),vectored by several aphid species,is the most significant viral pathogen of wheat and other grain cereals.Significant economic losses resulting from BYDV in wheat,barley and oats have been reported in many countries.The most economic means of controlling BYDV is to develop wheat varieties with resistance to BYDV. So far no BYDV resistance has been described in wheat collections except one gene in some cultivars tolerant to BYDV. However,Thinopyrum intermedium,two octoploids Zhong 4 awnless and TAF46,and the disomic addition lines,L1,Z1,Z2 and Z6 all showed resistance to BYDV. We developed several wheat-Th.Intermedium translocation lines, Yw642, Yw443 and Yw243 etc., showing good BYDV resistance from L1 by inducing homologous pairing using CS Ph1 mutant. It was found that their BYDV resistance was controlled by a single dominant gene. Characterization of these wheat lines was carried out by GISH and RFLP analysis. The results of GISH showed that the lines, Yw642, Yw443 and Yw243 etc., were homozygous wheat-Th.intermedium translocation lines containing 20 pairs of wheat chromosomes and 1 pair of wheat-Th.intermedium translocation chromosomes,in which the chromosome segments of Th intermedium were transferred to the distal end of a pair of wheat chromosomes. RFLP analysis indicated that the translocation chromosome of the wheat lines was T7DS*7DL-7XL translocation. The breakpoint of translocation is located on the distal end of 7DL,between Xpsr965 and Xpsr680,about 90-99 cM from the centromere. The BYDV gene is located on the distal end of 7XL around Xpsr680,Xpsr687 and Xwg380.The RFLP markers of psr680,psr687 and wg380 co-segregated with the BYDV resistance and could be used for marker-assisted selection(MAS)in wheat breeding program for BYDV resistance.rnKey words:Thinopyrum intermedium,BYDV,disease resistance, translocation, GISH, RFLP, homoeologous group 7rn多枝赖草DNA导入小麦引起重要农艺性状变化及相应的分子证据rn李维琪,等rn(中国科学院新疆化学研究所,乌鲁木齐 830000)rn关键词:小麦;多枝赖草DNA;农艺性状rn中图分类号:Q   文献标识码:A   文章编号:0253-9772(2001)-01-0052-02rnImportant Agronomic trait Changes in Wheat Caused rnby Introduction of Leymus racemoses DNA and Some Molecular ProofsrnLI Wei-qi,ZHAO Min-an,LIU Yun-ying,MIAO Jun,LIU Minrn(Xinjiang Institute of Chemistry, The Chinese Academy of Sciences, Urumqi, 830011)rnQI Jia-hua,ZHANG Mao-yin,WANG Zi-xia,Haizigoli Yang Ke-ruirn(Institute of Nuclear and Biotechnology, Xinjiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Urumqi, 830000)rn利用异源双代换系杂交产生染色体易位系rn贾 旭rn(中国科学院遗传研究所植物细胞与染色体工程国家重点实验室,北京 100101)rn关键词:双代换系;染色体;易位系rn中图分类号:Q343   文献标识码:A   文章编号:0253-9772(2001)-01-0053-01rnProduction of Chromosome Translocation via CrossingrnTwo Different Alien Substitution Lines in WheatrnJIA Xurn(The State Key Laboratory of Plant Cell and Chromosome Engineering, rnInstitute of Genetics, The Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100101, China)rn过去50年中中国小麦品种在Glu-A1, Glu-B1rn和Glu-D1位点上等位基因的变化rn张学勇,董玉琛rn(中国农业科学院品种资源研究所,北京 100081,China)rn关键词:小麦;基因rn中图分类号: Q943   文献标识码:A   文章编号:0253-9772(2001)-01-0053-02rnAllelic variation of Glu-A1, Glu-B1 and Glu-D1 rnin Chinese Commercial wheat Varieties in the Last 50 YearsrnZHANG Xue-yong,DONG Yu-chengrn(Institute of Crop Germ plasm Resource,CAAS,Beijing 100081,China)rn化学杀雄剂导致小麦雄性不育分子机制的初步研究rn张爱民,等rn(中国农业大学植物遗传育种系,北京 100094,China)rn关键词:小麦;杀雄剂;雄性不育;分子机制rn中图分类号:Q   文献标识码:A   文章编号:0253-9772(2001)-01-0054-02rnPreliminary Study of Molecular Basis of Male Sterility Induced rnby Chemical Hybridizing Agent in Wheat (Tritium aestivum)rnZHANG Ai-min,LIU Dong-chengrn(Dept.of Plant Genetics and Breeding, China Agri. Uni.,Beijing 100094,China)rn利用小偃麦附加系对Agropyron elongatum生化标记进行染色体定位rn刘树兵,等rn(山东农业大学农学系,泰安 271018)rn关键词:小偃麦;附加系;生化标记rn中图分类号:Q343   文献标识码:A   文章编号:0253-9772(2001)-01-0055-02rnChromosomal Location of Agropyron elongatum Markers rnin Wheat-Agropyron elongatum (2n=14) Addition LinesrnLIU Shu-bing1, WANG Hong-gang1, ZHOU Rong-hua2,JIA Ji-zeng2rn(1.Agronmy Dept., Shandong Agricultural University, Taian 271018,China;rn2.Institute of Crop germplasm Resource, CAAS, Beijing, 100081,China)rn  Isoelectric focusing (IFF) technique was used to locate biochemical loci in Agropyron elongatum by using wheat-Agropy-ron elongatum addition lines. There were six loci being located initially in all. The structural genes of Est-E5 and Est-E8 were located in 3EL, β-Amy-1 in 4EL, Per-E1 in 7E, and Per-E4 in 5E. The α-Amy-E1 was relocated in 6EL. Chromosome location of these genes provide evidence of homoeology between wheat groups 3, 4, 6 and Agropyron elongatum chromosome 3E, 4E, 6E, respectively. It also indicated that chromosome rearrangement probably took place between 1E and 7E chromosomes during the evolution of the E genome.rnKey words:chromosome location, biochemical mark, isoelectric focusing, addition linesrn小麦春化相关基因的分子克隆与功能分析rn种 康,许智宏,谭克辉rn(中国科学院植物研究所,北京 100093)rn关键词:小麦;基因;分子克隆rn中图分类号:S512.1   文献标识码:A   文章编号:0253-9772(2001)-01-0056-01rnMolecular Cloning and Functional Analysis rnof Vernalization Related Genes in WheatrnCHONG Kang, XU Zhi-hong, TAN Ke-huirn(Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100093, China)rn中字系列小偃麦遗传材料的培育、遗传分析和利用rn孙善澄,白建荣rn(山西农业科学院作物遗传研究所,太原 030031)rn关键词:小偃麦;遗传分析rn中图分类号:Q   文献标识码:A   文章编号:0253-9772(2001)-01-0056-02rnBreeding, Genetic Analysis and Utilization of “Zhong Series”rnVarieties of TrielytrigiarnSUN Shan-cheng,BAI Jian-rongrn(Institute of Crop Genetics. Shanxi Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Taiyuan 030031,China)rn紫外线诱导小麦和长穗偃麦草体细胞融合产生可育株及其后代的细胞遗传学分析rn夏光敏,周爱芬,等rn(山东大学生命科学院,济南 250100)rn关键词:小麦;长穗偃麦草;细胞融合rn中图分类号:Q343   文献标识码:A   文章编号:0253-9772(2001)-01-0057-02rnProduction of Fertile Hybrid Plants Via UV Fusion betweenrnTriticum aestivum and Agropyron elongatum and rnCytogenetic Analysis of the Resulted ProgeniesrnXIA Guang-min,XIANG Feng-ning, ZHOU Ai-fen, LI Zhong-yi,CHEN Hui-min rn(School of Life Sciences, Shandong University, Jinan 250100,China;rn* CSIRO Division of Plant Industry, G.P.O.1600, Australia)rn  Protoplasts of common wheat (Triticum aestivum L.2n=42) cv. Jinan 177 were fused with ultraviolet (UV) irradiated protoplasts of Agropyron elongatum(2n=70) via a PEG method. Sterile hybrid plants were regenerated from the fused product and their ovaries were induced to form calli.From the resulted callus tissue, green plants were differentiated. These somaclonal plants (SF0) were investigated using chromosome and isozyme analysis. The results showed that they contained chromosomes from both donors (I.e.,Triticum aestivum and Agropyron elongatum). Two of the SF0 plants grew to maturity and set seeds. The analysis of phenotype, chromosome constitution, isozyme pattern and RAPD polymorphism of the F1 plants confirmed their hybrid nature. Collectively, these results demonstrated that fertile hybrid plants could be produced from the procedure described above. Three different phenotypes were observed in F2 progenies. The type I and II plants had higher stalks (average 75~85 cm) and big ears and grains, but plants of the former phenotype possessed fewer tillers. Type III plants had short stalks (average 55 cm) but possessed high ability of tillering. Cytogenetical analysis of F1 plants and their successive generations showed that in F1 to F3 generations the chromosome numbers of root tip cells varied in the range of 36~44, and many cells contained 1-4 micro-chromosomes (mc). In PMC MI stage of the F2 plants, the chromosome configuration was mainly 17II-22II with 1-4 additional micro-chromosomes. Comparing to F2, more chromosome configuration of 20II -21II occurred in F3, and over 70% of cells had the chromosome configurations of 21II+1-2 mcs. A large population of the different hybrid lines have been obtained through propagation and selection in successive generations. Their agronomic traits have been studied and will be reported in a separate paper.rnKey words:Triticum aestivum;Agropyron elongatum;Asymmetric somatic hybridization; Fertile hybrid plants; Cytogenetic analysisrn普通小麦F1杂种Glu-1基因表达rn过程中的共显性,基因组互作和剂量效应rn潘幸来,等rn(山西农业科学院棉花研究所,运城 044000)rn关键词:小麦;基因表达;基因组rn中图分类号:S512.1.035   文献标识码:A   文章编号:0253-9772(2001)-01-0058-01rnEvidence for Co-dominance,Genome Interactionrnand Dosage Effects in Glu-1 Gene Expressionrnin F1 Seeds of Common Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)rnPAN Xing-lai, PAN Qian-ying,ZHANG Gui-yuan,WANG Yong-jie,XIE San-gangrn(Cotton Research Insritute,Shanxi Agri.Sci.Academy,Yuncheng,Shanxi,China,044000)rnWANG Dao-wenrn(State Key Laboratory of Plant Cell and Chromosome Engineering,Institute of Genetics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100101)rnPAN Deng-kuirn(Shanxi Agriculture University, Taigu,Shanxi 030801,China)rnph1b基因对簇毛麦遗传物质导入普通小麦的影响rn陈 静,等rn(中国科学院成都生物研究所,成都 610041)rn关键词:ph1b基因;小麦;簇毛麦rn中图分类号:Q   文献标识码:A   文章编号:0253-9772(2001)-01-0058-02rnEffect of ph1b gene on direct genetic transfer rnfrom Haynaldia villosa to Triticum aestivumrnCHEN Jing,DENG Guang-bing, ZHANG Xiao-pin, MA Xin-rong, YU Mao-qunrn(Chengdu Institute of Biology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 610041,China)rn  Hybrid plants between Triticum aestivum var.“Chinese Spring”(CS), its ph1b mutant (CSph1b) and Haynaldia villosa were obtained by immature embryo culture. After selfing, the two types of hybrids showed seed setting rates of 6.67% and 6.25%, respectively. The analysis of chromosome pairing behaviors at meiotic metaphase I showed that, on the average, only 1.61 chromosomes could form bivalent and trivalent in each PMC of the hybrid F1 CS×H. Villosa, with the configuration 2n=28=26.39I+0.79II+0.007III. However, in the hybrid F1 CS ph1b×H. Villosa, 14.43 chromosomes per PMC were involved in bivalent and multivalent formation, with the chromosome configuration of 2n=28=13.55I+5.95II+0.55III=0.22IV, and, in over 56% of the PMCs, 1-4 multivalents (trivalents and quadrivalents) were produced. The observation of meiotic chromosome pairing by using genomic fluorescent in situ hybridization (GISH) revealed three types of chromosomal associations: wheat-wheat, wheat-H. Villosa and H. Villosa-H. Villosa in PMCs for ‘CS ph1b×H.villosa’F1 hybrid. The seed set of the backcross of the‘CS ph1b×H.villosa’F1 with CS was 6.67% and that of‘CS×H.villosa’F1 with CS or CS ph1b was only 0.45%. The chromosome number of BC1 plants varied from 48 to 72. Robertsonian translocation chromosomes consisting of chromosome arms from wheat and H.villosa were detected by mitosis GISH in the BC1 plants from the backcross of‘CSph1b×H.villosa’to CS ph1b. These results led to the conclusion that the ph1b gene induced a higher level of homoeologous chromosome pairing between common wheat and H.villosa.The transfer of desirable genes from H.villosa to common wheat may be facilitated by using the ph1b gene.rnKey words:genetic transfer, GISH,Haynaldia villosa;ph1b gene;homoeologous pairing;Triticum aestivumrn利用分子细胞遗传学方法向小麦中转移和富积优异外源基因rn陈佩度rn(南京农业大学细胞遗传研究所,南京 210095)rn关键词:小麦;细胞遗传学;外源基因rn中图分类号:Q343.1   文献标识码:A   文章编号:0253-9772(2001)-01-0059-02rnUtilization of Molecular Cytogenetics Technology in Transferring rnand Pyramiding Useful Alien Genes into Common WheatrnCHEN Pei-durn(Cytogenetics Institute, Nanjing Agricultural University, Nanjing 210095,China)rn小麦品种复壮30中与抗白粉病基因连锁的一个RAPD标记rn王立新,等rn(北京市农业科学院植物细胞工程实验室,北京 100089)rn关键词:小麦;抗白粉病;基因;RAPD标记rn中图分类号:Q343.1   文献标识码:A   文章编号:0253-9772(2001)-01-0060-01rnA RAPD Marker Linked to the Resistance Gene tornPowdery Mildew in Wheat Variety-Fu Zhuang 30rnWANG Li-xin, SU Ai-lian, XU Min-xin,WANG Xiu-qin,Peter.P.Ueng*,JIA Ji-zheng**rn(Beijing Plant Cell Bioengineering Laboratory, Beijing Academy of Agriculture and Forestry Sciences, Beijing 100089,China;rn* Molecular Plant Pathology Laboratory, USDA-ARS, MD 20705,USrn** Key Laboratory of Crop Germplasm and Biotechnology, Institute of CroprnGermplasm Resource,China Academy of Agriculture Sciences,Beijing 100081,China)rn小麦和簇毛麦体细胞可育杂种植株的产生rn周爱芬,夏光敏,等rn(山东大学生命科学学院,济南 250100)rn关键词:小麦;簇毛麦;体细胞rn中图分类号:S512.035.1   文献标识码:A   文章编号:0253-9772(2001)-01-0060-02rnProduction of Fertile Somatic Hybrid Plants Between rnTriticum Aestivum and Haynaldia villosa rnZHOU Ai-fen1,XIA Guang-min1,ZHANG Xiang-qi2,CHEN Hui-min,HU Han2rn(1.Life Science School, Shandong University, Jinan 250100,China;rn2.Institute of Genetics, Chinese Academy of Science, Beijing 100101,China)rn小麦基因组中外源染色体片段的检测和小麦基因分子标记的建立rn石锐rn(哈尔滨师范大学生物系,150080)rn关键词:小麦;外源染色体;分子标记rn中图分类号:Q75   文献标识码:A   文章编号:0253-9772(2001)-01-0061-01rnStudies on the Detection of Alien Chromosome Fragments and rnObtainment of Molecular Markers Linked to Specific Genes in WheatrnSHI Ruirn(Department of Biology,Harbin Normal University,Harbin,Heilongjiang Province 150080,China)rn小麦春化发育机制的初步研究rn尹 军,等rn(山西农业大学,太谷 030801)rn关键词:小麦;春化;发育机制rn中图分类号:Q344   文献标识码:A   文章编号:0253-9772(2001)-01-0062-01rnPreliminary Study on the Mechanism rnof the Vernalization Development in WheatrnYIN Jun,REN Jiang-ping,DONG Ai-xiangrn(Shanxi Agricultural University,Taigu 030801,China)rn非Robertsonian类型小黑麦易位系的研究rn胡 含rn(中国科学院遗传研究所植物细胞与染色体工程国家重点实验室,北京 100101)rn关键词:小黑麦;易位系rn中图分类号:Q343   文献标识码:A   文章编号:0253-9772(2001)-01-0062-02rnAbout non-Robertsonian wheat-rye chromosome translocation linesrnHU Hanrn(State Key Laboratory of Plant Cell and Chromosome Engineering,Institute of Genetics CAS,Beijing 100101,China)rn小麦6B染色体的微切割与其区域特异性DNA文库的构建rn周奕华,王 槐,陈正华rn(中国科学院遗传研究所,北京 100101)rn关键词:小麦;微切割;染色体;DNArn中图分类号:Q343   文献标识码:A   文章编号:0253-9772(2000)-01-0063-01rnMicro-dissection of Wheat Chromosome 6B and rnConstruction of Its Region Specific DNA LibrariesrnZHOU Yi-hua,WANG Huai,CHEN Zheng-huarn(Institute of Genetics,Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100101,China)rn组织培养诱导外源染色体发生结构rn变异及其在小麦易位系创制中的利用rn李洪杰1,贾 旭1,楚成才2rn(1.中国科学院遗传研究所植物细胞与染色体工程国家重点实验室,北京 100101;2.中国科学院植物研究所,北京 100093)rn关键词:小麦;染色体;结构变异;易位系rn中图分类号:Q343   文献标识码:A   文章编号:0253-9772(2001)-01-0064-01rnStructural Changes of Alien Chromosomes Arising from Tissue Culture rnand Their Exploitation in Producing Novel Translocation Wheat LinesrnLI Hong-Jlie1,2,JIA Xu1,CHU Cheng-chai2rn(1.The State Key Laboratory of Plant cell and Chromosome Engineering, rnInstitute of Genetics, The Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100101, China;rn2.Institute of Botany, The Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100093, China)