以往 ,人们在研究戊戌变法和“新政”的过程中 ,总是将这两次事件分别探讨 ,理由不外是戊戌变法的领导力量是资产阶级改良派 ,而“新政”的领导力量是封建顽固派。由于人们在认识上 ,总认为资产阶级改良派在政治上比封建顽固派进步 ,因此 ,在对戊戌变法和“新政”问题的分析上 ,更倾向于褒扬前者 ,贬低后者。本人认为 ,对这两次维新正确的认识方法应当是将分析的重点放在这两次维新运动的发起目的和最终结果上。从这个角度讲 ,无论是戊戌变法或是“新政” ,由于他们的基本目的一致 ,因此 ,结果也是一样的 ,都必然以失败而告结束。
In the past, in the course of studying the reform of 1898 and the “New Deal”, people always discussed the two events separately for the only reason that the leadership of the Reform Movement of 1898 was a bourgeois reformist. The leading power of the “New Deal” was the stubbornness of feudalism send. Since people always think that the bourgeois reformists are politically progressive than the feudal die-hards, they tend to praise the former and belittle the latter when analyzing the reform of 1898 and the “New Deal.” In my opinion, the correct understanding of these two reforms should be to focus the analysis on the launching purpose and the final result of the two reformers. From this perspective, both the Reform Movement of 1898 and the “New Deal” have the same result because of their basic purpose. They must all be ended in failure.