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三期士官孙凡玉平常遇事爱琢磨、点子多,这在济南军区某军械器材仓库所属分库的官兵里是出了名的。这不,兵们送给他一个雅号“金点子”。自从他当选为勤务队士官支委后,他爱琢磨的范围也从自己的那“一亩三分地”扩大到了整个连队。干了多年的连队锅炉工,就被他琢磨的“下了岗”。以前,这个分库也跟很多单位一样,每到冬天都要烧锅炉供暖气,以保证官兵的冬季取暖,这本来是天经地义的事情。可经孙凡玉一琢磨,问题出来了。2006年,支委会在研究什么时候开始烧锅炉的时候,孙凡玉却出入意料地“参”了一本:“我建议,分库应该停止冬季烧锅炉,取暖改用给战士宿舍装空调。”看到他们诧异的目光,孙凡玉接着给其他支委摆出了几条理由。 Sun Fanyu three non-commissioned officers often wondered love, ideas and more, which in the Jinan Military Region, an arsenal warehouse belonging to the officers and soldiers in the library is notorious. This does not, the soldiers gave him a nickname “golden idea ”. Since he was elected to the Ombudsman, his loving scope has also been expanded from his “one-thirds of an acre” to the entire company. After years of company boilers, he was pondering the “post”. In the past, this sub-library was just like many other flats. It was a matter of course that every winter heating boilers should be used to ensure that officers and soldiers keep their warmth in winter. Can be polished by Sun Fan, the problem came out. In 2006, when the research committee started to study the burning boiler, Sun Fangyu unexpectedly entered into a sentence: “I suggest that the sub-library should stop burning the boiler in winter and switch it to warrior dormitory installation Air conditioning. ”See them surprised look, Sun Fan Yu then gave other supporters put a few reasons.
天有不测风云,人有旦夕祸福,对于每一个劳动者而言最怕的是生大病,多少家庭因病而陷入贫困。基本医疗保险虽然不能全部满足您的医疗需求,但可保证您的基本医疗需求。 There
目的 评价慢性盆腔疼痛(CPP)患者使用药物治疗并运用心理治疗的临床治疗结果 .方法 从我院选取2017年3月至2019年3月慢性盆腔疼痛患者38例为本实验调查研究对象,随机分为对照
本方法是将具有开花能力的花木和果树植株一年生和多年生枝条进行蜡封 ,在低温条件下保湿贮存 12个月 ,在不同时间采用普通枝嫁接法将贮存的枝条嫁接到已经开花结果的植株上
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