曲老师: 您好!在这里请允许我诉说一下心事。一个初夏的夜晚,户外的活动丰富多彩。我们小区的消夏晚会拉开大幕。左邻右舍纷纷走出家门,我也凑了个热闹。晚会上,优美的孔雀舞博得了满堂彩。而独舞的女孩竟然是我家楼下的一个女生。那
Qu teacher: Hello! Please allow me to talk about my mind here. On an early summer night, outdoor activities are colorful. The evening party in our community opened the curtain. The neighbors left home and left the house. I also made a lively meeting. At the party, a beautiful peacock dance won the full house. The solo girl turned out to be a girl downstairs in my house. that