从国民经济总体发展的角度出发,可对部分经济活动以其自然属性为依据,以其在经济发展过程当中所产生的作用为特征做多角度的产业分类,如基础产业和后加工产业,短缺产业与过剩产业,主导产业与关联产业等等,其中重要的一类是支柱产业。 对于什么是支柱产业,如何认识支柱产业,还有些具体分析、认识的问题。 根据发达国家实现工业化过程的实际,在工业化的不同阶段上,总有若干个产业组
From the perspective of the overall development of the national economy, some economic activities can be based on their natural attributes, and their roles in the economic development process are characterized by multi-angle industrial classification, such as basic industries and post-processing industries. Industries and surplus industries, leading industries and associated industries, etc. One of the important categories is pillar industries. There is also some specific analysis and understanding of what is the pillar industry and how to understand the pillar industries. According to the actualization of industrialization in developed countries, there are several industrial groups at different stages of industrialization.