婴幼儿低钙抽搐是儿科常见急症。1983—1992年我科共收治216例,其中资料较全者80例,现对其常见因素做一探讨。 临床资料 80例低钙抽搐中,男45例,女35例。均为3岁以下婴幼儿,其中6个月以内共65例,占81.25%。家住市区郊区者42例,外县38例;母亲为工人者22例,家务58例。发病季节:1~3月26例,4~6月19例,7~9月10例,10~12月25例。人工喂养者27例,混合喂养18例,母乳喂养35例均未添加辅食。并存症:Ⅰ~Ⅱ度营
Low calcium convulsions in infants and young children is a common emergency. 1983-1992 a total of 216 cases were treated in our department, of which 80 were more complete information, now the common factors to do a discussion. 80 cases of clinical data of low-calcium convulsions, 45 males and 35 females. All infants under 3 years of age, of which 65 cases within 6 months, accounting for 81.25%. 42 people live in the suburbs of urban areas, 38 counties; mothers are workers in 22 cases, 58 cases of housework. Season of onset: 26 cases from January to March, 19 cases from April to June, 10 cases from July to September, and 25 cases from October to December. Artificial feeding in 27 cases, mixed feeding in 18 cases, 35 cases of breastfeeding were not added supplementary food. Complications: Ⅰ ~ Ⅱ degree camp