椅子是人们的日常生活中不可或缺的家具,它的设计千变万化,结构和材料也各不相同。时至今日,它已经不仅仅是作为一个功能性的家具产品而存在,设计师在设计它们的同时还将自己的设计风格和审美理念赋予其中,使之成为人类文化载体的一种。本期“时尚”栏目介绍的几款椅子都出自设计师Oki Sato之手。他出生于加拿大,学习创业于日本,其设计的产品,材质多样,形式多变,为世人所喜爱。
Chair is an indispensable furniture in people’s daily life, its design is ever-changing, the structure and materials are also different. Today, it has not only existed as a functional furniture product, designers have designed them and at the same time, they have also given their own design style and aesthetic concept as a kind of carrier of human culture. This issue “fashion ” column introduces several chairs are from the hands of designer Oki Sato. Born in Canada, he studied and started a business in Japan. He designed his products with varied materials and varied forms, which are loved by the world.