众所周知,不吃早餐有害健康,因此,不吃早餐既错过了美食又是对自己的健康不负责任。你知道世界各地的人们都吃什么早餐吗?看过下面的文章,你就会对中式早餐——“豆浆油条”点赞了。What Happens to Your Body When You Don’t Eat Breakfast?不吃早餐对你的身体有何影响?
As we all know, skipping breakfast is harmful to health. Therefore, skipping breakfast not only misses the food but also is not responsible for your health. Do you know that people all over the world eat breakfast? After reading the following article, you will like the Chinese breakfast - “bean milk fritters”. What Happens to Your Body When You Don’t Eat Breakfast? How does not eat breakfast affect your body?