The pot experiment was conducted to study the effects of different soil salinity levels and nitrogen rates on cotton growth under drip irrigation. The results showed that under low salinity treatment, the plant height of cotton increased significantly with the increase of nitrogen application rate; while the plant height of cotton increased significantly with the increase of nitrogen application rate under the condition of high soil salinity. Cotton seed cotton and total dry matter weight decreased significantly with the increase of soil salinity, and the rational application of nitrogen fertilizer could significantly increase the seed cotton weight and total dry matter accumulation. The nitrogen uptake by cotton was significantly affected by salt, nitrogen application and salt-nitrogen interaction. With the increase of soil salinity, cotton nitrogen absorption decreased significantly. Under the condition of low salinity, increasing the amount of nitrogen application could significantly increase the nitrogen uptake of cotton; medium amount salinity, nitrogen application could significantly increase the nitrogen uptake of cotton, but the application of excessive amount of cotton did not increase Under high salinity conditions, salinity was the main factor limiting the cotton growth and nitrogen absorption. The application of nitrogen fertilizer had no significant effect on the nitrogen uptake of cotton.