几年来我校的广播操一直比较正常,全校师生一般都能自觉地、积极地、经常地坚持参加,集队比较迅速、整齐,逐步养成了天天做操的习惯。我们是怎样做好广播操的呢? 学校领导每一学期都把加强广播操列入学校工作计划,要求师生认识到坚持广播操对增强体质、提高工作与学习效率的意义。有的学生不重视做广播操,认为自己从不生病,做不做无大关系;有的认为做广播操对身体健康起的作用不大,马虎点算不了什么。针对这类看法,我们有的放矢地进行了教育,使他们对做广播操具有正确的认识,提高锻炼的自觉性。
In the past few years, the radio exercises in our school have been relatively normal. Teachers and students in the school generally can actively and regularly insist on participating. The team is quick and neat and has gradually developed a habit of doing exercises every day. How do we do radio training? The school leaders put radio broadcasting into the school work plan every semester, and asked teachers and students to recognize the importance of adhering to broadcasting to enhance physical fitness and enhance the efficiency of work and study. Some students do not attach importance to radio exercises and think they never get sick and do not do no major relationships. Some think that doing radio exercises has little effect on their health and does not care at all. In view of this kind of view, we have targeted education so that they have the right awareness of radio operators and enhance their awareness of exercise.